Before we had kids I used to draw all the time, and I still really enjoy it, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time to do it as often as I would like. About three years ago, I drew a card to put in Liam's lunch so he'd know we loved him and were thinking about him even though he was at preschool. He really seemed to like it, so for the past three years, I've continued to draw little cards to include in both boys' lunches. At this point there are hundreds, and Liam has started to arrange them in a photo album, which he looks at frequently. The cards have provided a nice opportunity to get some enjoyment out of drawing--they are necessarily drawn quickly in the crazy getting-ready-for-school pandemonium each morning, and the boys are good at coming up with unique challenges. Here is the first of many I'll post to the blog.
The blog has been inactive for much of summer because--I finished the boat project! We sailed our little sloop as much as possible this summer, and managed to get on the water 14 times. Mostly we sailed with the boys, but we also organized a Pirate Sailing Adventure for the auction at Liam's school (more about that in a later post). I learned so much rebuilding the inside of the boat, and enjoyed being on the water so much more, knowing that it was structurally sound and safer. But enough words! Here's a little video compilation I made of some of our adventures on the water:
Amy and I also raced in the Take Your Time Fridays series out of Shilshole on our friend Jamie's 40' Centurion Lucidity, and man was that ever fun! I managed to crew for 5 races, and Jamie even put me on the foredeck for the last race. That was exciting, scary at times, and extremely educational.
Despite our crummy weather this sailing season, we managed to have a fantastic time on the water!