Thursday, January 05, 2006

Xmas in the Valley of the Sunstroke

We traveled with the Little Guy to Phoenix for the solstice/Xmas this year. Unfortunately we were all sick, especially Liam, so we didn't get to visit with our friends as we usually do, but otherwise we had a great time. This is the first Christmas where Liam really knew what was happening, and it was fantastic to watch him discover all of the goodies Santa left for him under the tree. It felt a little strange to experience 80 degrees and sun on Xmas day, but I am definitely not complaining--it has rained every day since we returned to Seattle!

Now for the pics: first shot was a (fairly successful IMHO) experiment with my dad's tripod and the timer on the digicam (clockwise starting on upper left: Grandma Stevenson, Lynna, Matt, Amy, Andy, Liam, Grandpa Stevenson). Next, LG looks delightedly at his new firetruck on Xmas eve at Kaplans'; loading the heavy machinery into the cargo hold of the pirate ship; trying out his first set of bagpipes; chillin' on the golf cart with G&G Stevenson and Mom; chipping ice off a bench during our sledding trip to Snoqualmie Pass on New Year's Day (back in WA, of course).

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