Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Interjecting with Some Sanity in the Gas Price Blame Game

The Oil Drum issued a great post/press release on their site today. My favorite quote:

Right now, governments should be focused on helping us cure our "addiction to oil." The answer does not lie in lowering gas prices, which will only encourage people to drive more and further waste our valuable resources. As the Department of Energy funded Hirsch Report on Peak Oil laid out, the consequences of not taking steps to transition away from oil could be dramatic to our economic system. Appropriate solutions include large-scale research, development, and implementation programs to improve the scalability of alternative sources of energy, other projects geared towards improving mass transit and carpooling programs across the country, providing incentives to buy smaller and more fuel efficient vehicles, and promoting a campaign to increase awareness about conservation.

James Howard Kunstler has a far more pessimistic take on the situation (as is his style), but it was still fun to read nevertheless.

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