Tuesday, September 19, 2006

First Day of Preschool

Liam started preschool at the Fremont Community School last week. It is a great school--their motto is "we let kids be kids" and they are set up to facilitate that. The school is actually an old craftsman house, with a huge backyard containing fruit trees, a chicken coop, a bunny hutch, a mud pit, and lots of dump trucks and excavators. The kids spend at least an hour outside every day, rain or shine, and the teachers really emphasize natural cycles and ecological awareness. Liam is attending two days a week to try it out, and so far he really seems to be enjoying it. Since he started up, a common refrain is "I learned it at school." They also celebrate a number of festivals, the first of which (Harvest Festival) is this Friday. Hopefully I'll be able to make it.

The woman giving Liam a squeeze is one of his teachers, Tara, and the photo of the kids and parents standing in a circle is Circle, which is how they start each day.

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