Amy and Liam taking a break on the Thunder Knob trail.

Liam and Matt at the Diablo Lake overlook on a VERY windy afternoon.

Liam showing his affection for an enormous western red cedar along the banks of the Skagit River.

Liam, obviously feeling somewhat conflicted now about his relationship with the trees.

Amy and Liam cooling off in Diablo Lake.
Your little pipsqueak is absolutely adorable! Teenage heartbreaker material! Thanks for sharing your photos; it's great to see all of you so happy.
Best- Kimberly
Liam is adorable! can't wait to see him it person in October and you and Amy. love aunt joanne
Six Feet Under: Static
With some sort of grand character-arc closure possible in next week's 75-minute series-ender, Static represented one final opportunity for Six Feet Under to episodically explore how Nate's death evokes even new ...
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