I attended the Vulcan Bike to Work Breakfast yesterday morning. It was a great event--lots of high-level support from the politicos and the business community. Several Seattle City Councilors, the King County Executive, the State Transportation Committee Chair, and the Mayor were all present (among others). The emcee for the event was Willie Weir, who was extremely energetic and enthusiastic. Willie did a series of NPR stories about his bicycle adventures around the world and used a couple of examples from those journeys to illustrate why we need to stay focused on making cycling safer, easier, and more appealing. The highlight of the morning for me was hearing the Mayor say "Our goal is to make Seattle the number one city for cycling in America." He finished his remarks by saying "Thank you for helping us save the planet." I hope it translates into action, but it's amazingly refreshing to hear that kind of talk from an elected official.
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