August was the month of Amy the Amazing Organizer. Liam turned four, and Amy planned his entire birthday party (I think I bought ice). She also instigated and planned a block party on our street for the National Night Out, and continued to stay on top of the construction project that is currently underway on the upstairs of our house--but much more on that in future postings.
It is hard to believe that our baby is FOUR! I think most parents understand how quickly children grow up, but before we had kids I didn't really 'get it'. Now I do. Liam had a great time opening his presents in the morning, and in the afternoon we had a birthday party at Woodland Park with all of the usual suspects--Colin, Max, Liam Prestia, and all their siblings and parents. Liam invited several additional friends, but they were all out of town. There was a pinata, cake, a red rocket ship made out of refrigerator box, and much running around through the woods playing monsters and super heroes.
I moved my office out of the house and into a nearby Activspace. I will be there for the duration of the construction, and depending on how it works out, I may stay there. But I also like working from home, so we shall see.
Lochlan really started picking up new words this month. One morning in particular stands out--Liam was still asleep and Lochlan and I were playing in the front room. He picked up a little wooden train, held it up in front of my face, smiled, and said "TRAIN!" He's also continued to say 'ball', 'mama' 'da' and will say 'wup wup wup wup' whenever one of us says 'helicopter.'
We also managed to fit in a visit to the zoo, catch-and-release crab hunting in Padilla Bay, a bit of canoeing around the arboretum, and a hike in the Cascades.
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