We just returned from an excellent Land Trust Alliance Northwest Regional conference in Winthrop, in the Methow Valley of eastern Washington. We were very fortunate to be able to travel the North Cascades Highway, saving about two hours travel time each way. The highway crosses Washington Pass (5,477') and receives quite a lot of snow every winter, so the State DOT closes it every year. It opened on May 1, which is the day we traveled to Winthrop. We had fantastic weather, particularly on the way back to Seattle, and stopped a couple of times to take photos. We also happened upon a full-blown Civil War re-enactment (!) taking place smack in the middle of Highway 20 in Marblemount. The cannon was deafening, but the boys thought it was pretty exciting, so we ate lunch while we watched the Union and the Confederacy take pot shots at each other, ride their horses around, and in general act as if it was the 19th century again.
In any event, we are very much looking forward to more trips into the mountains over the summer months.
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