It is hard for me to believe, but Liam turned five this August. For the past several months he's become increasingly interested in insects (and invertebrates in general) so he chose 'bugs' as the theme for his birthday. After a quick survey of his friends, we decided to have the party on a Monday because the majority of them were available. Fortunately I was also able to attend--one of the best parts of being self-employed is the flexibility in my schedule.
So we had lots of kids, an awesome caterpillar cake that Amy made, a bug scavenger hunt, butterfly nets, and of course the wading pool. It was great fun.
The Block Party also happened in August, as part of the National Night Out. For the second year we (OK, actually Amy) organized and hosted the event, got the permit from the City to close our street to cars, etc. My contribution this year was to suggest we have some games and friendly competitions, and the favorite by far was the Push Lawnmower Uphill Sprint. The pictures pretty much say it all. We already have a pretty tight-knit community on our street, but it's always nice to catch up with neighbors we see less frequently and meet some of the recent arrivals.
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