Light blogging lately, mostly due to our trip to Arizona and the bazillion trips to the doctor to deal with Liam's tonsils (he had them out on Thursday, along with his adenoids--he is recovering well). We had a great time, and the trip came right at the moment of winter when we feel we cannot take another day of 40 degree rain. It was sunny and warm, almost hot by Seattle standards, and we all had a great time. We spent lots of time in the pool, jumped on the trampoline, hiked in the desert, went fishing, found geodes, looked at dinosaur skeletons, even took a trip to a gold mine! We stayed a bit longer than usual, which gave us more time to catch up with everyone. It was a great visit, and we're already looking forward to our next visit in October: when Andy and Rhea get married! WOO HOO!!
Congrats, Andy and Rhea! Wonderful news!
Hey Matt, you're late in your monthly blog post! Give us readers an update on your chickens (did they survive the winter?), your garden (have you planted yet), and the family (is Liam getting excited about Kindergarten next fall?). Your faithful fan base wants to know!
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