Our garden is really starting to take off! I had my first salad from the garden last week, strawberries are really coming on, and we'll have chard and peas in a couple of weeks. The beans, cukes, and squash are all off to a good start, and all but one of my new hop hills are thriving. For some reason, one of my vines is just getting hammered by aphids. I grabbed a handful of ladybugs from throughout the garden and placed them on the vine, but it may be too late. Hopefully the rhizome will be healthy enough to grow again next year.
Our potatoes are also doing phenomenally well (so far) and I cannot wait for fresh tomatoes, peppers and basil. Yum!
1 comment:
We, too, are harvesting lettuce and strawberries now. We also are picking rhubarb and snow peas. The slugs arrived with the rain last night and sheared off half our green bean seedlings. And the moles are working hard to find a way into the new raised beds, but the hardware cloth continues to frustrate them. We have a robin's nest in our grape arbor, but the mama was scared away when the neighbor's wiener dog got caught in a snap-jaw mole trap and screamed for 10 minutes while its owner struggled to free it. We haven't seen her since, but luckily the nest was only a few days old, so the eggs hadn't hatched yet. We're thinking of coming by the SURF picnic next weekend to say Hi. The little girls want to see L&L. Hopefully it won't rain like it's doing this weekend! Happy Father's Day, Matt!
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